Therapy in English

close-up van klaproosAre you looking for English spoken therapy in Wageningen? You are most welcome at practice ‘Je ware zelf’. ‘Je ware zelf’ means ‘Your true self’.

Face-to-face appointments in the practice are allowed, at a distance and with the necessary measurements. If you prefer online sessions, these are possible too.

Allow it yourself

Are you dealing with the same problems in your life over and over again? E.g. certain fears, insecurity, problems at work, school or in your relationship(s). You would probably like to change, but you have no clue how to do is. I would love to help you with psychosocial therapy.
Allow yourself to invest energy and time in yourself!

Inner strength

A lot of people have disturbances or problems because they mostly use their mind and (unconsciously) put aside their intuition and feeling. On the other side, there are also oversensitive people. Maybe there is an unbalance in your system too.
I can help you balancing your mind and feeling. You will get more in contact with your inner strength and experience more freedom to be who you really are.

Short lasting

You do not come to me for lengthy coaching or therapy. It is my goal to provide you with the skills you need to continue your path by yourself. Most clients come with me for between four and ten sessions.

krijtbord met tekst 'it's time to inspire'Therapy types

The different therapy types with which I work are: speech therapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), hypnotherapy, regression therapy, creative therapy and energy therapy. I learned to work with them at the acknowledged Higher Vocational Education I followed. Also, I offer Access Bars® treatments that help you relax and let go of old patterns and believes that no longer support you.
The different therapy types with which I work, I adjust completely to you and to your specific situation. This means that you get the coaching that suits you best and with which you can feel comfortable and safe.

Prices & reimbursement

Acquintance: no costs involved
Intake and follow-up sessions: €88,- (max 75 min.)
Intake and follow-up sessions for students: €77,- (max 75 min.)

I have special therapy prices for people with demonstrable minimum income. For further information about prices, please contact me.
Please note that appointments that are cancelled within 48 hours prior to the appointment, will be charged fully.

If you have an additional health Insurance, a lot of Dutch insurance companies reimburse a part of the costs of my therapy sessions. I am a member of the professional Association VIT (‘Vereniging van Integraal Therapeuten’) and of the umbrella organisation RBCZ. Also, I join the disputes committee SCAG.

Adres waar praktijk Je ware zelf gevestigd isFree acquaintance

If you are interested in being coached by me, you are welcome to make free acquaintance. We get to know each other and we shortly discuss your request for help.
Feel free to contact me if you would like to receive further information or if you would like to make an appointment:

Annet Enderink
Generaal Foulkesweg 2A
6703 BR Wageningen

Phone 06-449 495 98